Persuasive Essay Topics

Persuasive Essay Topics It’s impossible to write a popular and successful persuasive essay without a great topic. Therefore, you need to have great persuasive essay topics before you start writing your paper. This article will guide you on how to write a good persuasive essay. What Is A Persuasive Essay? Persuasive essays are common among students, and […]

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Persuasive Essay Topics

It’s impossible to write a popular and successful persuasive essay without a great topic. Therefore, you need to have great persuasive essay topics before you start writing your paper. This article will guide you on how to write a good persuasive essay.

What Is A Persuasive Essay?

Persuasive essays are common among students, and professors do task their students to write the paper as part of their coursework. A persuasive essay is an academic paper where a student presents their viewpoint on a particular subject matter while presenting valid and credible facts and rational arguments. 

Students who have mastered the art of writing persuasive essays score remarkable grades and end up having persuasive skills in their real-life establishments. Therefore, college and university tutors eye at instilling persuasive skills where students derive their standpoints and defend those viewpoints logically and clearly. Thus, your essay encompasses persuasion, thinking, logic, and critical reasoning skills. 

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80+ Persuasive Essay Topics 

Persuasive essay topics for elementary students 

Elementary students have so many convictions and anticipations that are controversial and would love when they are addressed. Below are some persuasive essay topics for elementary students that help showcase tremendous critical thinking skills. 

  • Every classroom should have a pet
  • They must ban junk meals at school
  • What image do you create when you carry a brand new iPhone everywhere? Its shows how rich you guys are
  • Schools should have break time in between classes
  •  Are elementary schools given enough homework
  • Parents should allow children to personalize their lives and show their individualities in making friends who will help them build their future
  • Is there need to have a long summer holiday
  • Why aby war is horrible
  • What is the most horrible job in the world
  • Should all classrooms have a TV
  • What items would an average kid pick for a vacation
  • Should scientists share their discoveries with people
  • School breaks need to be longer
  • Moving to a larger society from the village is so ambitious
  • The school day should be shortened
  • Small children can choose to have their pet
  • The most beautiful seasons of the year
  • Students should be allowed to carry cell phones to school
  • Would you lure your parents into staying a night with a friend?
  • Would you prefer having siblings or being alone
  • Elementary students should be allowed to carry pets to school.
  • Homework should be optional.
  • How would you spend money worn from a lottery
  • Which animal would make an excellent pet
  • Schools should avoid dressing codes

Environmental persuasive essay topics

The environment relates to human beings directly. People can’t exist in the absence of the environment. There are so many environmental persuasive essay topics to consider, and below are some examples. 

  • We should conserve our environmental resources
  • Overpopulation causes pollution
  • Discuss the biggest polluter of Air and Water
  • Humans are the one responsible for climate change
  • We should take care of our nuclear power stations
  • Impact of vegetarianism on the environment
  • The need to minimize CO2 emission
  • The reality of global warming 
  • Non-renewable energy sources
  • Developed countries are the main cause of global warming
  • How can the government control littering
  • Countries should invest in environmental conservation programs
  • Advantages of using public transport
  • Benefits of hybrid cars over traditional ones
  • Types of farming methods and their effect on the environment

Persuasive research essay topics on animals 

Over the years, animals have remained part and parcel of our existence. There are so many ways that human beings relate to animals daily. Therefore, you should consider the animal persuasive essay topics below to express your standpoint on a subject relating to animals. 

  • Extinction of great mammals like mammoths and woolly rhinoceros
  • Effects poaching in the economy
  • Hunting animals to get their fur for clothing and fashion is immoral
  • Should pets be kept outdoors
  • How vegetarianism affect the animal world
  • Hybrid animals
  • Which is a better way to train and control pets behavior
  • Effects of animals in zoo and circuses
  • Is hunting animals ethical?
  • Can you keep exotic animals as pets
  • Persuasive research essay topics on fun
  • When writing your persuasive essay, you should consider brightening up your readers. Therefore, brainstorm on funny subjects, and below are some persuasive research essay topics on the fun. 
  • Buying a house is better than renting.
  • An expert in gaming. Advantages and disadvantages
  • Does owning a pet bring happiness?
  • Drinking wine every day to prolong the life
  • Video games can teach you essential life skills.
  • The legalization of marijuana will make most people happy.
  • If clothes are everything that makes a man
  • Colleges should have rooms to fight stress and depression.
  • McDonald’s as my favorite restaurant
  • Keeping a journal is an exciting way to keep up with stress
  • The customer is never right
  • Aliens are real
  • Lying is a significant part of the relationship
  • Why you would hate someone’s last name
  • Students should have longer holidays than the time they spend in school
  • What a driving instructor will never tell you
  • Compare and contrast homeschooling vs. regular schooling
  • What pets think about their owner

Persuasive research essay topics on sport

Modern sports have changed so many lives today. However, there are so many people out there who view sports differently, and where you are a sports enthusiast, you should consider the topics below. 

  • The worth cost of Olympic games
  • NFL concussion rules and regulations
  • Effects of the sports on both the body and mind
  • Children under 18 years should be allowed to play tackle football
  • Importance of physical education in colleges and schools
  • Is cheerleading considered as a sport
  • Effects of press conferences in athletes
  • Eating disorders are common problems among athletes
  • Should horse racing be banned
  • Is chess a sport or a game
  • Some of the sports can lead to violent behaviors
  • Should college athletes receive salaries
  • Risks of bodybuilding in women
  • Women should be allowed to compete against women in various sport activities
  • The need for a drug test in sport
  • Dangers of energy drinks in athletes
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Persuasive essay topics on technology

Every day, there are new technological advancements. Technology has helped advance people’s lives. However, there are controversial and interesting technology-oriented persuasive essay topics that you can focus on. 

  • Effects of technology in the equality of the world
  • The era of the Blade runner
  • Excessive usage of social media leads to depression and anxiety
  • Facebook privacy 
  • Effects of ride-sharing companies in society
  • Why modern planes fail
  • Was Steve Jobs a visionary or just a great marketer
  • The genetically modified food is not healthy
  • Should social media be restricted to a certain age
  • Effects recognition technology
  • Compare and contrast online schools to traditional ones

Persuasive essay topics on science

Today, there are so many twisted scientific ideas and arguments. As a student, settling for persuasive essay topics on science helps you shed light on the debatable scientific subjects. Here are some great topic examples. 

  • Why everyone should study science
  • Law enforcement rights on applying DNA profiling
  • Is it right for the US to leave Paris climate change
  • Effects of genetically modified food
  • How humans can prevent rare species from extinction
  • Should stem cells be used for medicinal purposes
  • Immorality behind cloning people and animals
  • Is solar energy worth the cost
  • Scientific research on animals should be prohibited
  • Alternative energy to fossil fuels
  • Evidence of extraterrestrial life
  • Vaccine can lead to autism
  • Should euthanasia be legalized
  • Effects of new technologies on our health
  • Dangers of using mobile phones
  • The best ways to reduce the effects of global warming
  • Colleges should invest more in scientific programs
  • Animal habitats should be treated more carefully
  • Scientific testing on Animals
  • Computer science is among the valuable subjects in the world

Persuasive research essay topics for middle school

How do middle school students relate and behave? Middle school students are undergoing transition into adolescence, and there are so many things affecting them both positively and negatively. Below is a comprehensive list of excellent persuasive research essay topics for middle school. 

  • Effects of violent computer games on kids
  • Children should be given larger allowances
  • Schools should have student detention
  • What roles do newspaper and radio play on children
  • Effects of social media on younger generations
  • The need to change some of the school meals
  • Field trips should be organized often in schools
  • Advantages and disadvantages of summer schooling
  • Sports should be mandatory in schools
  • Children should be given less homework
  • Parents should limit the time their children spend on TVs
  • Should there be harsh punishment for bullying
  • Children must do chores
  • The Best vacation destination
  • Reasons to keep studying during the summer holidays

Persuasive essay topics for high school

High school life is complicated at times as people from different walks of life view things differently. There are so many persuasive essay topics for high school, and pinpointed below are just but examples. 

  • The importance of national security to privacy
  • Do we need to lower the drinking age
  • The most significant personal trait
  • Should the voting age be lowered for accurate results
  • The need for sex education in schools
  • How hobbies affect one’s career
  • The role of censorship in the digital world
  • Couples who are expectant should receive parental lessons
  • The importance of time management in jobs
  • Rich people must pay higher taxes to support the financial balance
  • The pros and cons of free condom available to students
  • How to dress to be successful
  • Is the death penalty necessary to reduce criminal activities
  • Cyberbullying among high school students
  • Listening to music while studying

Persuasive essay topics for college students

College students are, in most cases, vulnerable to moving with waves and thinking irrationally, more so when in groups. Some things affect college students, and students perceive these things from different angles. It would be best if you used the persuasive essay to showcase your point and help persuade these students. Below is a list of essential topics. Talking about cheating is embarrassing while discussing sexual issues

  • We should stop selling weapons to the rest of the world
  • Hostel accommodation for college student should be free of charge
  • Compare and contrast vegetarians and meat-eaters
  • Most of universities programs are already outdated or irrelevant
  • The current taxation system is unfair
  • Students should not be allowed to carry their children to schools
  • Kids advertisement must be restricted
  • Are college relationships long-lasting
  • Pro’s and Con’s for student loans
  • Drug and alcohol consumption in colleges
  • Atheists and religious people must practice tolerance 
  • Pros and Cons of e-learning
  • Standardization of exams should be prohibited
  • Is a gap year a good idea?

What Makes A Good Persuasive Essay Topic?

When assigned a persuasive essay, students tend to experience a hard time determining what to write about or where to start. The very first step to writing a remarkable persuasive essay is discovering a great topic. Choosing an ideal topic makes your writing procedure simple. What makes a good persuasive topic?

  • Engaging
  • A familiar topic
  • Controversial
  • Manageable


An excellent persuasive essay topic must be engaging. Therefore, ensure to identify and select a topic that interests you and your audience as well. Students make bladders in selecting topics that interests them not. A topic that interests you makes your writing task less complicated. 

A familiar topic

An excellent persuasive essay topic must be one that you have extensive knowledge about. It’s impossible to persuade your audience to believe your standpoint, where you know nothing about the subject matter. Therefore, ensure to choose a topic that you have indisputable knowledge on. 


An ideal topic for your persuasive essay must be controversial enough. Therefore, identify a topic that has two argument sides and identify your standpoint and persuade your readers into swinging towards your viewpoint. Choose a topic that helps you examine and discuss both sides of the argument. 


Are there enough resources and shreds of evidence to support your arguments and standpoint? Identify a researchable topic. 

Tips For Writing A Good Persuasive Essay

Choose your topic keenly

When writing a persuasive essay, a topic must be available. Your topic must remain researchable, interesting, engaging, relevant, and controversial.

Define your standpoint

You need to understand the two sides to an argument and choose the one that suits your point-of-view. It would be best if you never wavered on your standpoint whatsoever. 

Understand your readers

The primary purpose of your essay is to persuade your readers. Therefore, examine your audience and understand their angle of approach. 

Research thoughtfully

You need to provide proof of your arguments. Therefore, identify resources with final shreds of evidence for your essay. Research thoughtfully and thoroughly. 

Write in a clear and concise manner

You need to observe the right language, word, and sentence construction. Your paper must remain legible, clear, and concise. Proofread your work and identify areas that necessitate revision and editions. 

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The above guidelines are to equip you with exceptional skills for identifying an ideal persuasive essay topic for your assignment. You must consider writing your paper diligently to attract a remarkable grade. 

What are the persuasive techniques

They include; evidence, clinches, exaggeration, expert opinion, emotive words, alliterations, adjectives, puns, imagery, inclusive languages, and anecdotes.

What are the three types of persuasion?

The three types of persuasion include; ethos, pathos, and logos.

What are the three major types of persuasive speaking?

They include factual persuasive speech, value persuasive speech, and policy persuasive speech.

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