Immigration Essay Topics

Immigration Essay Topics People choose to migrate from their homes to another country in pursuit of a good life. To this effect, students are always asked to write immigration essays as part of their coursework, and the only way to avail of a remarkable paper is through having an excellent topic for discussion. In this post, […]

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Immigration Essay Topics

People choose to migrate from their homes to another country in pursuit of a good life. To this effect, students are always asked to write immigration essays as part of their coursework, and the only way to avail of a remarkable paper is through having an excellent topic for discussion. In this post, we have crafted the current immigration essay topics for you.

What Is An Immigration Essay Topic?

Every day, people migrate from their country and permanently settle in another country to pursue a good life. Some people move to other countries willingly while circumstances force others.

Therefore, an immigration essay helps showcase immigration as one of the topmost prevailing activities globally while explaining the negative and positive effects on society, economy, and legal systems. 

College, university, and high school students are required to write immigration essays, which allows them to showcase their stand on issues rotating around the subject matter.

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100 Immigration Essay Topics 

  • Poverty is the main cause of the increase in illegal immigration
  • What is the role of visas in the modern world
  • Explain how to apply for naturalization
  • The strict rules against illegal immigration is sometimes irrelevant
  • The rights of immigrants in the US
  • What are the changes in immigration policies after 9/11
  • Discuss how slavery is part of illegal immigration
  • Explain how one can receive a green card
  • What will happen if the US opened its borders to all countries
  • How much time does it take to complete immigration topics
  • Why does the US refuse to accept Syrian refugees
  • Discuss fake marriage as a means to acquire illegal immigration
  • Compare and contrast naturalization and citizenship
  • What are the steps required for a naturalization test
  • Discuss prostitution as part of illegal immigration
  • How can children become US citizens through their parents
  • Mentions the steps required to reapply for citizenship
  • How can illegal immigration lead to terrorism
  • Do all visas allow legal immigration’
  • Illegal children immigrants should be given citizenship
  • The effects of undocumented aliens in the US soil
  • Discuss between people and paperwork which are more valuable to the government
  • Human trafficking is a tragedy that contributed to illegal immigration
  • The presence of undocumented aliens shows corruption
  • Border rules in countries like the US in irrelevant
  • Mention the countries where most illegal immigrants come from
  • Give reasons why settled illegal immigrants should be punished
  • Discuss why the death toll of illegal immigrants is increasing
  • Mention organizations that support illegal immigration
  • Changing rules is the best way to stop illegal immigration 
  • Why should undocumented aliens be given legal help
  • The presence of undocumented aliens has increased the level of crime rates
  • Increase of the level of security at the borders will reduce illegal immigration
  • Should undocumented aliens be treated with respect
  • The problem of illegal immigration is contributed by racism
  • We should consider refugees as legal than illegal immigrants
  • American citizens tend to migrate illegally
  • Do illegal immigrants affect the economy of the southern states
  • The presence of illegal immigrants puts America out of balance
  • Children born in illegal immigrants family suffer their parents’ actions
  • Discuss the phrase “No human is illegal”. Does it have any truth?
  • Which countries do most undocumented aliens come from
  • Detention of illegal immigrants does more harm than good
  • Do the lives of illegal immigrants really matter in America
  • Mention anything good about illegal immigration
  • Should personal reasons for illegal immigration be considered
  • The old illegal immigrants should be given rehabilitation facilities
  • Will construction of border walls reduce the level of illegal immigration
  • Why is America the land of opportunities? Discuss why it can’t accept undocumented aliens
  • Is there a need for the government to introduce policies for the elderly illegal immigrants
  • Should the catch and release policy function in the US
  • Is it appropriate to take chance by entering a country as an illegal immigrant to obtain legal status
  • Illegal immigrant kids should be given access to the public system
  • Should illegal immigrants allowed to vote
  • Aliens who receive citizenship should be called Americans
  • Discuss the differences between citizenship and a green card
  • A system should be developed to send back illegal immigrants
  • Discuss how the immigrants are fulfilling the US labour markets
  • A professional psychologist must cooperate with immigrants
  • What is the US language policy regarding immigration
  • The cost of immigration should be reduced to reduce illegal immigration
  • Should there be a mandatory English test for all the immigrants
  • Discuss immigration as the core of American History
  • Should the children of illegal aliens denied citizenship
  • Should resident immigrants allowed to use their international driving passport in the US
  • Do Americans move to other countries
  • Do immigrants affect the American educational system
  • How did the 18th-century Chinese immigration affect the Americans
  • Discuss why immigrants come to the US for religious purposes
  • Only employees should be strictly checked for documents
  • Companies should have all the necessary documentation of their employees
  • Civil wars are the main reasons for increased illegal immigration
  • There should be a special counsel to take the needs of illegal immigrants
  • The 9/11 changed the way Americans view foreigners
  • Government and the UN should help war tone faced countries to prevent them from immigrating illegally
  •  How was border control before the invention of visas
  • Presidential elections affect the immigration rates 
  • How do asylees feel in their host countries
  • Compare and contrast immigrant and refugees
  • Discuss the attitude the locals have towards the immigrant
  • Do refugees hope to go back to their homes
  • Illegal immigration is high in rich countries
  • What are the dangers of illegal immigration
  • All people born with the national territory should be given citizenship
  • The government should invest in the education of the displaced
  • What benefits does a country get granting someone asylum status
  • What are the effects of immigration in European history
  • The poverty caused by COVID-19 will increase illegal immigration
  • Social media perspective about immigration
  • The high number of refugees on the European economy
  • Discuss the benefits and consequences Europe get from having immigrants
  • What are the benefits of asylum status in Europe
  • Refugees who escape from war or repression should not be considered as illegal immigrants
  • Wars have been the primary reason for migration throughout the world countries
  • Explain how immigration rates vary amongst men and women
  • What are the effects of the cold war in global immigration
  • Compare and contrast how aliens are treated in Europe vs. America
  • How does the presence of refugees affect the tourism industry in a country
  • Discuss health reasons as one of the causes of immigration
  • Do climate refugees receive support from their host
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Tips On How To Select The Best Immigration Essay Topic

When assigned to write an immigration paper, most students tend to experience hardships and difficulties identifying a deeming fitting area of focus. Immigration is a broad subject, and you can never write an essay encompassing everything. Below are some considerations to make.

  • Brainstorm on the subject
  •  Examine your interest
  • Scrutinize your topic

Brainstorm On The Subject

The first tip to choosing an excellent immigration essay topic is looking around to discover people who have migrated from their countries to yours. There are other instances when you might have family members living in other countries. Brainstorming on different ideas makes it possible for you to view immigration from a wider perspective.

While examining different ideas, ensure jotting them down into sociology, the legal system, and economic categories. You need to understand the primary reasons for immigrationPeople migrate from one country to another due to multiple reasons. Here are some categorizations. 

Safety Reasons 

There are countries, cities, and families that expose people to imminent danger. People who feel threatened tend to migrate from their country or town and find a new place to live safely. Racial discrimination, political instabilities, and social status are but a few things that put some people in danger. 

Economic Reasons 

Underdeveloped and developing countries are dominated by citizens who find it hard to meet their needs. Natives in underprivileged countries move to developed countries in pursuit of greener pastures. People move to countries where wages are higher and are always ready to work hard but exchange good salaries. 

Social Reasons 

Family-oriented persons move from one country to another country to help their loved ones live a better life. Some husbands migrate from their country, leaving behind their families and settle in developed countries, hence supporting them in all their endeavours. There are other instances where a family relocates to another country to pursue good health and education systems. 

Examine Your Interests

You need to understand subjects or topics that excite you within the immigration realm. Who is your audience? The interests of your targeted audience must be encompassed as well. You must, therefore, blend your interests with that of your readers to come up with a remarkable topic. Choosing a topic within the spheres of your interests makes the writing process worthwhile. Consider refining your topic and keep it moderate. 

Scrutinize Your Topic

Once you have determined your focus area, you should examine how broad or narrow the topic is. An ideal immigration essay topic should be researchable, manageable, and very engaging. 

Tips On How To Write An Immigration Essay

Introduce Your Paper

Like other essays, you need to have a memorable first impression. Therefore, an introduction paves the way for your standpoint, and you must impress and motivate your readers to want more info on your perspective. Consequently, you should start your paper with either a rhetorical question or some statistical facts or data.  You need to have a thesis statement for your immigration essay. The statement helps communicate the main idea discussed in the paper. 

Defend Your Thesis Statement

Your paper should provide shreds of evidence in support of your thesis statement. Therefore, have your three-paragraph body section availing three ideas or points supporting your main idea. 

Conclude Your Paper

You need to restate the main point, supporting ideas and your recommendations in conclusion. Your conclusion must serve the purpose of the essay, even in the absence of the introduction and body segments. 

Write, Edit And Submit Your Paper

You need to take time and organize all your points into writing. When writing the essay, you are prone to make grammatical and punctuation mistakes. Revising your work helps you identify the mistakes and make the corrections. Always write within the timeline and while following the availed instructions by your professor. 

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Immigration essays focus on contemporary issues that affect society today. People hold different opinions following their different perceptions. Therefore, ensure to have an immigration essay topic that is catchy and highly relevant. 

What is a good topic sentence for immigration?

A good topic should have reasons why poverty is a factor influencing immigration.

What are some questions about immigration?

Here are some of the questions on immigration
1. What is the Visa Bulletin?
2. What is a green card?
3. What is biometric screening?
4. What is USCIS?
5. What is the lawful permanent residence?

What are the effects of immigration?

The effects of immigration include; improved innovation, a better-educated workforce, better matching skills with jobs, broader occupational specialization and, increased economic productivity.

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