Gun Control Research Paper Writing a gun control research paper is complex when approached from the wrong direction. Appropriate guidance is necessary where you eye a viable and reliable essay. To begin with, You will agree with me that gun control is a complex subject. The complexity makes it challenging to craft a remarkable gun […]
To start, you canWriting a gun control research paper is complex when approached from the wrong direction. Appropriate guidance is necessary where you eye a viable and reliable essay.
To begin with,
You will agree with me that gun control is a complex subject. The complexity makes it challenging to craft a remarkable gun control research paper.
Over the years, many professors have assigned student gun control essays or research papers, making this topic one of the most covered. Nonetheless, the majority of the students have always focused on the obvious hence earning disgraced grades.
You can ace in your research paper on gun control where keenness is employed. Below, you will garner some ideas that, when embraced and used, will help you craft the best research paper hence, earning an A.
Gather sufficient background information before writing a gun control research paper. Most students embark on writing their research papers before gathering tremendous and adequate information about gun control.
Knowledge gives you power, and it plays an integral role in meeting the paper’s requirements and purpose. You need to, therefore, start your research paper by learning something new about the topic.
It is where you garner enough information that you determine your thesis statement and area of focus. Therefore, take your time and look for materials containing the information you need on gun control.
It is impossible to have a remarkable research paper in the absence of a topic. As noted above, gun control is sophisticated, and you need to mark your approach uniquely.
Many students have tackled the same issue before, and the only way to keep your reader engaged and motivated to read further is choosing a unique and manageable topic. Do narrow your topic, but avoid over-narrowing it as you might lack content.
For you to come up with an ideal topic, ensure to ask yourself the following questions.
Answering these questions will help you choose an area of focus. Examine the information available before selecting a topic.
The thesis statements speak volumes when it comes to a research paper. You need to generate a manageable and remarkable thesis statement.
The thesis statement is available in your introductory paragraph. Through the thesis statement, you get to communicate your main idea for your gun control research paper.
Your research paper contains three parts; the introduction, body, and conclusion. Your thesis statement appears on the opening, and the body avails arguments in support of the statement. The end reminds the audience of your thesis or main idea.
After consolidating sufficient information on gun control, choosing a topic, and developing a thesis statement, you should consider writing the first draft. Before writing anything, ensure to develop an outline. The outline helps you organize your arguments and paper hence enhancing flow and consistency.
Soberness is necessary when writing the research paper. Therefore, identify a very conducive environment to do the writing. Stay away from all manner of distractions.
Once you have written your first draft, you should consider re-reading it through alongside your predefined outline. Examine how argumentative and viable the research paper is.
You need to go through your work and examine all manner of grammatical errors and avail the necessary editions. Editing your paper makes it readable and helps in attracting the best grade. Proofread your work while examining the viability and reliability of your citations and sources. Referencing is imperative and must be facilitated in the best way possible.
Professors avail of their edition rules and requirements. You need to understand the requirements from word count, font style, and size to referencing format. Understanding the requirements helps you maintain your lane for making the paper viable and presentable.
Writing a research paper on gun control is not as complicated as you could have imagined where you follow the above guidelines. Therefore, ensure to commence your writing as early as possible to meet the deadline and give yourself ample time to do the research, choose a topic, create your thesis statement, make your draft, and edit the paper.
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Professor’s Name
The United States of America gun law short comings
In the United States of America, Almost adult individuals can carry or own a gun. Carrying or owning a gun is seen as a basic personal right. The only individuals who are denied or prohibited to carry or own a gun are convicted criminals or those who are suffering from mental illness or maybe if one is not a United States citizen. However, rules and regulations for ownership of guns differ from one state to the other and there exist unique rules that prohibit individuals from possessing guns in various areas such as around the schools. In certain states, these rules are stricter than others. In Nevada For instance, individuals should not inform anyone if they have a gun. There also exist various rules for different types of arms that individuals should own. In recent years, gun death epidemic has been witnessed in the United States of America the recent example being the seventeen staffs and student that were murdered in Florida during class time. And therefore such misuses of guns call for the United States of America government to increase restrictions when it comes to gun control
Due to increased misuse of guns, there is a requirement of gun law reforms including who can sell, purchase, or buy guns. The most essential thing that united state lawmakers require to regulate is buying of firearms by individuals with mental illness who are committed to residential facility impatient and convicted individuals. The rich individual’s demands for the right for self-protection, criminal defense lawyers want to ensure that their clients who are accused of gun offenses are offered a fair process with proportional and fair punishments while certain classes of individuals are facing enhanced punishments due to firearms offenses. Therefore, this calls for major reforms on who can possess or own a gun. The United States also requires reforms on criminal justice without minimum mandatories.
Besides prohibiting sales of semi-automatic and automatic guns United States should adopt styles of Swiss and German gun regulations. Both nations have large firearm ownership but very low rate gun violent crimes. (Killias, Martin. 289-303.) the regulations should include not just check on the criminal background but also psychological potential assessment, and questions concerning the motivation for purchasing the gun and training.
In recent years gun violence and domestic violence have escalated in the United States. ( McLean, et al. 573-577.) if you united states need to mitigate domestic gun violence dangers, there must be formulated a regulation or law that requires all guns to be surrendered during the process of litigation of divorce .immediately after filing of the divorce case, any partner who possess a gun should give it out to their domestic police station where they will receive them back after the settlement of their case.
The ambiguity of constitution language has raised questions on various areas of the constitution among them the right for arms-bearing. ( Dowlut, Robert. 65.) There have raised a natural tension betwixt protecting an individual’s liberty and rights while still promoting the common good and welfare of the entire society. The society has recently begun to discuss the limit of arms bearing right that is enshrined in the second bill of the right amendment. Particularly, there is a force that would need checking of background, restriction of anybody owning a semi-automatic weapon, state gun registry, and laws of the red flag. In my suggestion, congress should formulate a law that ensures that firearms are less likely to be acquired by diabolic actors but not restrict law-abiding individuals from owning a firearm. A considerable gun law should increase the age needed for one to own town a gun from 18 to 21. Gun law should also require all gun holders to pass checks of criminal background, mandate all gun holders to undergo evaluation of mental health, and prolong the waiting duration of purchasing a firearm
However, as much we advocate for gun control rules, it is not an assurance of crime prevention or laws breaking. For instance, among 62 of the mass shooting that has occurred in the united states within 1982 and 2012, 42 of them, shooters were possessing illegal guns. (Dillon, Luke. 2014.) John R. Lott, Jr., Ph.D. the activist of gun rights argued that the challenge of such gun control laws is that it will just be denying law-abiding citizens from possessing guns while criminals will not abide by such laws. The laws of gun control offer government excess power which may lead to government tyranny. Alex jones while speaking in radio in the 2013 interview stated that the second amendment was not put there in the constitution for duck hunting instead it was meant for protecting citizens from street thugs and tyrannical government. He went ahead to state that 1776 will take up again if you attempt to take our guns (Rose, L., Justice, S., & Moon, C. 2018) The NRA’s Wayne LA Pierre also argued that the reasons why the founding fathers considered it in the second amendment were because they were victims of tyranny
There exist a big debate in the United States of America on existing gun laws where some feel that those laws need to be changed so that shootings that are experienced daily can be avoided, many feels that there should be more restrictive rules on the type of firearm that individuals should be allowed to possess. Those that advocate for more strict rules argues that in nations where citizens are not permitted to carry firearms, few people die from the sophisticated weapon and therefore the United States of America should review its gun rules. However, those that oppose strict gun laws feel that it is their constitutional right to possess firearms. They argue that they require them for their protection. They also feel that if the government ban the possession of firearms, criminals will not adhere to that law as they will still maintain them anyway while law-abiding citizens will not be able to defend themselves in case need arise
Work cited
Killias, Martin. “Gun ownership, suicide and homicide: an international perspective.” Understanding crime: Experiences of crime and crime control (1993): 289-303.
McLean, Robert M., et al. “Firearm-related injury and death in the United States: a call to action from the nation’s leading physician and public health professional organizations.” Annals of internal medicine 171.8 (2019): 573-577.
Dowlut, Robert. “The Right to Arms: Does the Constitution or the Predilection of Judges Reign.” Okla. L. Rev. 36 (1983): 65.
Dillon, Luke. Mass shootings in the United States: An exploratory study of the trends from 1982-2012. Diss. 2014.
Here are some of the thesis statements for gun control; readily available firearms increase the lethality of crime, if we regulate gun control we will have less crime.
Gun control refers to the legal measures put in place to reduce the possession and use of arms particularly firearms
According to the second amendment of the US constitution it gives its citizens the right to possess a gun. Statistics show that three in ten Americans own a gun
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